Monday, 7 February 2022

Comms, Culture, Organizing: Free Write

 In a work culture, people of authority should try to maintain supportive conversations with their colleagues and direct reports whenever possible. However, this is not always possible. Humans are prone to disagreements because of everyone's uniqueness and individuality, and thus, each person will have their own thoughts on a topic that is slightly different from someone else's opinion. Thus, these defensive behaviours are impossible to avoid in the workplace, but I believe that there are some solutions to allow for more supportive communication. First, people presenting a topic to someone else should be open to suggestions and convey that they are willing to do so. Second, it is important to remember that everyone should be treated fairly and with respect in the workplace. When people lord their position over someone else of a lesser rank (as highlighted in the chapter) it can make them feel insecure about their own job. Pushing back from this egocentric view by people of authority can help to make the atmosphere in the workplace a more positive place.

For this free write, I strived to reinforce the importance of unity within the workplace, while also respecting each other's individuality. I decided to have more casual wording and sentence structure, as this was a personal reflection of the topic. A generalisation of the topic to all sectors of work allows readers to connect and think back to their own experiences in the workplace, while narrowing into the traditional workplace, by assuming that most places readers work follow a traditional hierarchical structure.

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